Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chris Fine raves about Tom Hardy in interview

Yesterday StarTrek.com posted an interview with Chris Pine in which he raves about This Means War co-star Tom Hardy.

The italics are my added thoughts and what I'm sure C-Fine was also thinking.

You’re shooting This Means War right now with McG directing and Reese Witherspoon and Tom Hardy joining you in front of the camera. Have you and Tom Hardy shared Star Trek stories yet?

Pine: You know, we haven’t, actually. We just talked about it briefly for the first time the other day (after we had sex). But, man, is he a hell of an actor (and lover). I don’t need to tell anyone this, but he’s going to be around for a long time (he can go all night). He’s already been around for a long time, but he’s going to explode (all over my face). He’s just tremendous (in bed).

In the interview he also talks Star Trek (duh), working with Denzel and other stuff I didn't bother to read. But you can do so at the SOURCE.

Let the party begin.

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